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18 ways to craft a Concierge experience without the Concierge price tag aboard the Disney Dream.

Chris Maples

If you’re considering splurging for a Concierge cruise on a Disney ship - be warned: you may find it hard to go back.  From the finishes in the stateroom to the privacy of the Concierge deck to the luxury of the exclusive lounge and its endless treats, the experience is meant to spoil you.  Your hosts are there to make sure you want to come back, and they are supremely good at their jobs.  

Despite the draw, however, most of us are not up for the sometimes enormous premium.  But don’t despair.  Here are 18 great tips, tricks and hiding places aboard the Disney Dream. Taken together they can help you feel just a little more special.  Maybe it's not quite the Concierge experience but these tips are certainly worth the cost!



Vista Cafe and Cove Cafe: Many do not know that the treats and small plates here are some of the same served in the Concierge lounge and are included in everyone's curisefare.  Make your way to the often quiet corner of Vista Cafe in the morning and enjoy some great pastries.  After 5, enjoy some small cheese and olive plates before dinner.  By the way, the same is true of the Cove Cafe, but it's often a bit more crowded (though reportedly the breads are better here).



Get to know some folks: Spend some time in the first few days getting to know your bartender at your favorite onboard watering hole.  These folks are so interesting to talk to once you get to know them. Walking into their spot will yield a friendly wave, your favorite spirits teed up and a feeling that this is your local jam.  Currents, Skyline, Meridian and Waves are perfect for this.  Tip well my friends! 



Scratch and dent: The "wine bin" at the Meridian is a way you can have a glass of top shelf wines opened and unfinished at a fraction of their normal price.  Your bartenders are happy to oblige to not let these partial bottles go to waste--just ask, "what's in the bin?" and roll the dice. There is a wine bin available at most onboard spots, but we think the bin at Meridian has the best vintages.



Satellite Falls: Wants a semi private getaway?  Satellite Falls at the front of the ship is often sparsely populated and offers unique lounging under the white ball and also in forward facing recliners.



Private time: Want to feel like you have the ship to yourself?  Wake up a bit early on a port day while the family is still in bed.  Wander quiet decks and treat yourself to a premium beverage.



Rainforest Spa: We highly recommend securing a Rainforest pass on your first day or ahead of time in the DCL Navigator app.  This will grant you access to the quiet Rainforest spa area with hot tubs, steam rooms, heated loungers, special water therapy areas and some great views.  If you’re not up for the pass- included in the cruise is access to the Senses Spa locker rooms with large, premium showers, Elemis products and the dry saunas.  On most port days you’ll find this empty.



Get a special beach spot: Consider spending some of that Concierge money on

reserving a Cabana on Castaway Cay.  This is a very premium experience with food and beverage right in your hut and a private beach.  Definitely worth the cost.  Book early as these sell out quickly. Be aware that it's hard to snag a cabana if you don't have the priority cabana booking granted to concierge guests, but keep trying--it's worth it!



Speaking of Castaway:  Don’t fight any crowds at Cookies 1.  Walk just a little further and eat at Cookies 2.  Most people don’t find it and it’s like having your own buffet. The buffet entrance at the far end of Cookies 2 near the cabana beach entrance often has no line! If you find yourself without kids, head to the even less crowded buffet at Serenity Bay which also has an expanded menu.



The late(er) bird gets the worm: The last 90 minutes on Castaway Cay is some of our favorite time on the island. You'll feel like you have your own private beach as most cruisers head back to the ship early. I highly recommend staying as late as you can on Castaway day!



Excursions: We generally avoid most of the Disney excursions.  Try booking your own private excursions or hook up with one other family to split the costs.  We’ve experienced many excursions both ways and invariably we have found the Cruise sponsored events are much more crowded, inefficient and costly.  It’s so much better to be in complete control of your day and is completely safe as long as you book through a reputable tour agency.  Don't worry, all these guides make their living getting people back to the boat on time. 



Express walk off luggage: want to scoot off the ship?  If you can swing it, try to opt for express walk off with your luggage.  Not only does it avoid the lines in the morning, you get a much more relaxing night before as you don’t have to have your luggage out for pickup.



Chairs: certainly the main pool deck can become crowded.  With little ones who want to swim and watch movies, look first for chairs on deck 12.  Many have a great view of the pool and funnel vision and are close enough to ice cream while avoiding the hustle of deck 11.  Also checkout the funnel puddle, a wading pool behind the forward funnel that is much quieter and less crowded than the main pools. If you have a crew who are a little older or just want some quiet time: the loungers on deck 4 offer a quiet respite with shuffleboard.



Success is about timing: Consider timing fun activities opposite your dinner reservation.  Aqua Duck, Deck 11 lounging, basketball, mini golf and many others have a much more private feel at these times.  If you can swing the late dinner seating- we recommend this.  5 pm is prime snack and sliding time with minimal waits for the kids!



Dining: As with the bartentenders- get to know your serving staff!  They are amazing at figuring out your preferences but also want to hear them from you.  Once you’ve told them - you’ll find everything delivered just how you like it.  The kids too!  Remember if the kids are old enough and don't want to stick around for a long meal- tell the wait staff and they will rush their favorites to them.  If they want to bolt for the kids club right after- it’s an opportunity for the adults to have a more leisurely meal.  



Speaking of dining: if you love Indian food, ask the servers what they enjoy.  You’ll be surprised to see frequently they will serve you a full Indian buffet in addition to the written menu.   The crew enjoy delicious Indian fare every night and are happy to share it with you.



Your private getaway: if you have a room with a veranda, order room service and enjoy a meal overlooking the ocean.  Additionally, order coffee to appear in a carafe the night before and it will stay hot, waiting for you when you wake up. The included coffee is Jofrey's so it is pretty good!



Rainforest spa juice bar: This little known area behind the check-in desk at the Rainforest Spa has a great juice bar and amazing floor to ceiling windows.  It's very private with seats facing the sea. It's a great spot to escape to.



Cabanas Buffett: Remember to skip the initial line at the door. Most of the food repeats further in.  Also, the premium hard ice cream is a great alternative to the extra cost ice cream at Vanellope's. 

There you have it! Have you tried any of these to make your cruise a little more luxe?


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